School Supplies List
Grades Pre-K - 5th:
2 sets of extra clothes bagged and labeled with your child's name
Full-size backpack labeled with your child's name
Small blanket for rest time
A pair of sneakers to wear daily for Physical Education
(2) two-pocket PLASTIC folders with your child's name on them (no dark blue please)
1 box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
1 box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
1 bag of dried beans
(2) 3-ounce cans of Play-Doh
Backpack labeled with your child's name
A pair of sneakers for daily use (Physical Education every day)
2 sets of extra clothes labeled with your child's name to keep at school
(2) two-pocket plastic folders with your child's name on them
At-home supplies: Pencils, crayons, glue
1st Grade
Backpack labeled with your child's name
(2) two-pocket plastic folders
1 pack of pencils
1 pack of colored pencils
A pair of sneakers to use daily for Physical Education
A set of extra clothes (pants, shirt, underwear, and socks)
2nd Grade
(2) two-pocket plastic folders labeled with your child's name
1 pencil pouch or case
1 water bottle labeled with your child's name
A pair of sneakers to use daily for Physical Education
1 box of pencils
1 box of markers
1 pack of erasers
3rd Grade
(2) two-pocket plastic folders
1 box of quart-sized Ziploc bags
A pair of sneakers to use daily for Physical Education
A set of extra clothes to leave in their locker just in case (pants, shirt, underwear, and socks)
1 pack of pencils
At home supplies: Pencils, crayons
Grades 3-5 Science
1 pack of colored pencils
(1) two-pocket folder
1 composition notebook
4th Grade
1 composition notebook (for ELA)
loose leaf paper (for ELA)
1 pack each of pens and pencils (for ELA)
1 zipper pencil pouch
1 box of cap erasers
A pair of sneakers to use daily for Physical Education
Index cards (for ELA)
5th Grade
1 zippered pencil pouch or case
A pair of sneakers to use daily for Physical Education
1 two-pocket plastic folder (any color)
1 pack of #2 pencils
1 pack of loose leaf paper
1 pack of highlighters
1 one-inch, 3-ring binder
Resealable water bottle
1 set of headphones to be kept in the classroom
Grades 4-5 Math
1 composition notebook
4th Grade ELA
Loose leaf paper
Grade 4-5 Social Studies
(1) two-pocket plastic folder (any color)
1 composition notebook
1 pack of colored pencils
Physical Education
Grades Pre-K through 3rd
Socks and sneakers for every day PE class
NO crocs, NO flip flops, NO Hey Dudes
4th Grade
Shorts and t-shirt, sweats (optional)
Grades 6-12
All students in grades 6-12 are required to have a jump drive with at least 2 GB of memory. One jump drive will work for all classes.
(1) two-pocket plastic folder
Blue or black ink pens
(1) two-inch, three-ring binder with 3 or 4 pocket dividers
1 pack of #2 pencils (you'll need a steady supply)
Earth Science
1 pack of #2 pencils
1 two-pocket plastic folder
6th Grade Science
(1) two-inch, three-ring binder and looseleaf paper
Supply of pens and pencils
(1) two-inch plastic folder
7th Grade Science
(1) two-inch, three-ring binder and looseleaf paper
Supply of pens and pencils
(1) two-pocket plastic folder
Living Environment - 10th Grade
Supply of pens and pencils
(1) two-inch, three-ring binder and looseleaf paper
(1) two-pocket plastic folder
(1) three-inch, three-ring binder for past unit storage
Social Studies:
HIST 152 & POSC 103
Pens and pencils
Earbuds or headphones
(1) three-subject notebook, college ruled
Global II
Pens (blue or black ink)
Earbuds or headphones
Participation in Government
Pens (blue or black ink)
Earbuds or headphones
Mrs. Morse's Classes
Mobile device
Earbuds or headphones
Grades 6-8 Social Studies
Pencils or pens (you'll need a steady supply)
(1) two-pocket plastic folder for homework
20th Century Conflict
Pens and/or pencils (you'll need a steady supply)
1 spiral notebook
1 2-pocket plastic folder for homework
6th Grade
Pencils and pens
(1) two-inch binder with a pack of looseleaf paper
Optional: earbuds or headphones
(1) two-pocket, three-hole punched plastic folder
3x5" index cards (1 packet of 100)
1 marble composition book or a 1-subject notebook
Grades 7, 8 & 10
Supply of pencils and pens
3x5" index cards (for vocabulary words)
1 2-pocket plastic folder
Colored pencils or markers for projects
Post-it notes (for marking pages in books)
9th Grade
Pencils and pens
Optional: Earbuds or headphones
(1) two-pocket, three-hole punched plastic folder
1 pack of 3x5" cards (100 count)
(1) three-subject notebook OR binder with loose leaf paper (with 3 dividers for the binder)
1 pack of highlighters
1 marble composition book OR 1-subject notebook
11th Grade
Pencils and pens
1 pack of highlighters
(1) three-subject notebook OR (1) three-ring binder with paper (if using a binder you will need dividers)
1 pack of 3x5" index cards (100 count)
1 marble composition book OR 1-subject notebook
(1) two-pocket, three-hole punched plastic folder
Earbuds or headphones (optional)
12th Grade
(1) three-subject notebook OR a binder with dividers and paper
(1) two-pocket, three-hole punched plastic folder
Pens and pencils
1 pack of 3x5" cards (100 count)
1 marble composition OR one-subject notebook
Earbuds or headphones (optional)
Myth I & II
Pens and pencils
(1) two-pocket, three-hole punched plastic folder
(1) three-subject spiral notebook
English Composition 101 & 102
Supply of pencils pens
1 1-subject notebook
Post-in notes (for marking pages in books)
Public Speaking & Creative Writing
Pens and pencils
1 1-subject notebook
1 2-pocket plastic folder
3x5" index cards
1 pack of highlighters
Grade 6
1 binder (2.5 inches) with loose leaf paper and dividers
Supply of pencils
(1) two-pocket plastic folder
Optional: TI-30X5 multiview calculator (nice to have your own)
7th & 8th Grade
(1) one-inch binder with loose leaf paper
(1) two-pocket plastic folder
Supply of pencils
Algebra A, B, & I
(1) two-inch, three-ring binder with loose leaf paper
Supply of #2 pencils
Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics
(1) one-subject or three-subject notebook
(1) two-pocket plastic folder
Supply of pencils with erasers
Algebra II & Calculus
(1) 2.5-inch binder with loose leaf paper and dividers OR (1) two-pocket plastic folder
Supply of #2 pencils
Grades 7-12
1 1-subject notebook
Supply of pencils and/or pens
Earbuds or headphones
Physical Education:
All 4th-12th Classes
A pair of sneakers
A pair of shorts and t-shirt, or sweats (optional)
All 6th-12 Classes
1 single-subject notebook
Pens or pencils
Agriculture, Food Science Classes:
(All Classes)
Pens and pencils with erasers
1 binder with loose leaf paper and dividers with pockets
School mobile device
Hair tie to pull long hair back
Closed-toe shoes, pants, long-sleeve shirts
Boots for when going outside
Shop Safety- Applies to all classes in shop area.
1 pair long pants
1 pair closed-toe shoes or boots
1 long-sleeve shirt
All Agriculture-Shop-Tech Classes
Boots and warm coat or heavy sweater
Thank you!
We are grateful to the South Otselic United Methodist Church and the Mustard Seed in Georgetown for refreshing our school supply closet. Thanks to their donations, we will be able to help students with needed supplies later in the school year.