Annual Notifications
State and federal regulations require school districts to issue annual notifications about an array of policies and actions conducted by an operating a school district. The community learns about notifications in a variety of ways: posting on this website, displayed in the building, published in the annual back-to-school newsletter and calendar, and on social media.
Annual Fire Inspection Report
Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for Otselic Valley Central School District for fire hazards that might endanger the lives of students, teachers, and employees therein has been completed and the report is available at the office of the Superintendent for inspection by all interested persons.
Advanced Notification of Pesticides
Otselic Valley Central School District must notify the public that pesticide products may be used in school buildings during the year. Parents, guardians, and staff may request 48-hour advance, written notification that includes the date and place where pesticides will be used, the E P A registration number, and whom to contact for more information. To make a request, please call the district office.
Annual Performance Review (APPR) Plans
New York State Education Law requires school districts to post their APPR plans to their district website. Find the plan here.
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)
All parents/guardians have the right to obtain the APPR quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once the scores are officially available in accordance with state law. Please contact the district office for more information.
ARP-ESSER Fund Reporting
Find more information here.
Asbestos Management Plan
As required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the district maintains asbestos management plans for district buildings. The plans are om file in each principal’s office and collectively at the Buildings and Grounds Department and are available for review during normal business hours. As required, periodic surveillances are conducted every six months. Currently, there are no projects scheduled that will disturb asbestos-containing building material. For more information, contact the District Office.
Attendance Policy
The attendance policy can be found in the Student Handbook which is updated annually, and posted on this website.
Child Abuse Hotline Notification
If you suspect a child is being abused or neglecteed, you can report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911.
Code of Conduct
The Otselic Valley Central School District Code of Conduct applies to all when on school property, including buses and other school-owned vehicles, or when attending a school-sponsored function. It is updated annually as needed, included in the Student Handbook, and shared with students at the beginning of every school year.
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) was established to provide students in New York State with a safe environment that’s free of discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus or other vehicle, and/or at a school function.
Parent Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
Section 2c and 2d of the Education Law indicates that parents and students are entitled to certain protections regarding confidential student information. See the Parent Bill of Rights here.
Ed Law 2-D
New York State Education Law gives you the right to information about how Otselic Valley Central School District is safeguarding student and staff data. Learn more here. If at any time the district learn that student and/or teacher/principal data has been compromised, parents and guardians will be notified, and the data breach will be reported to the NYS Education Department. Parents who have concerns or complaints about data privacy or security can contact Dr. Gonzalez, OV’s Superintendent and Data Protection Officer.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides parents/guardians and student who are 18 years of age or older (known as “eligible students”) with certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. See more here.
Disclosures without Prior Consent
Fiscal Transparency Documents
NYS Comptroller’s Audit
External Audit Report
External Audit Corrective Action Plan
2022-2023 Annual Budget
Free- and Reduced-Price Meals
At this time, school breakfast and lunch is available FREE to ALL students when school is in session. Although no application is required for free meals, families are asked to complete a document available here. The general data obtained through this form is used to determine eligibility when our district applies for further aide.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
For access to the Otselic Valley Central School District records under the New York State Freedom of Information Law, please contact the district clerk.
Hotline for Health, Safety, and Abuse concerns
Please call 315-653-7384 to contact the Superintendent about health and safety concerns--including threats toward our school or another student, harassment, bullying, or abuse--call the Otselic Valley Central School District Hotline. If the matter is urgent and danger is imminent, please call 911. Making a phone call is not tattling when the intention is to alert administration about harm to students, whether threatened or experienced. All students have a right to be safe, and free to learn without fear and intimidation.
Integrated Pest Management
New York State Education Law requires schools to provide written notification to all parents/guardians and staff regarding potential use of pesticides during the school year. If you would like to receive 48-hour notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled to occur, please contact the District Office.
Instructional Technology Plan
An Instructional Technology Plan is maintained by the district to support achievement through the seamless integration of technology into teaching and learning, and to increase equitable access to technology-supported learning experiences. View the Plan here, or contact Mrs. Richards for more information.
Lead Testing
As of September 2016, all public school districts are required to test water for lead according to state law. The law requires that districts sample all water outlets currently or potentially used for drinking or cooking purposes in building that may be occupied by students, and submit those samples to a state-approved laboratory for analysis. The lead-testing frequency is established by state regulations, or by the Commissioner of Health who may require earlier testing. School districts are required to report the results of water testing to the NYS Department of Health, the NYS Education Department, and the local health department. Results, plus remediation plans if required, are posted on the website. View this district’s water testing results here.
Military Recruiters Access to High School Information
New York State Election Law: Employee Rights to Leave to Vote
New York State Report Cards
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Otselic Valley Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, religion, creed, disability, or race in the educational programs or activities that it conducts, in accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments. This policy includes the following areas: recruitment and employment of employees, employment pay and benefits, and student access to educational programs, course offerings, and student activities.
Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
Otselic Valley Central School District is committed to ensuring student privacy in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations and district policies. To the end and pursuant to U.S. Department of Education regulations, the district as a Parents Bill of Rights for Data and Privacy. View it here, or contact Mrs. Richards for more information.
School Budget Documents
NYS Education Law requires that districts provide information about the amount of money budget for spending in the following school year. More information about the budget is available here.
School Counseling/Guidance Programs
NYS Education Law requires school districts to establish school counseling guidance plans and to post these on the website. Read more here.
School-level Spending Reports for Foundation Aid
School Meals
All students may receive free breakfast and lunch every day school is in session, and they are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. Additional food is available for purchase. Parents may use MySchoolBucks to establish an account for their students’ use.
School Safety Plans
As required by NYS Education Law, the district maintains a district-wide safety plan that is posted on this website. The plan is intended to prevent or mitigate violence or emergencies, to ensure that in-school responses are planned and coordinated, and to facilitate coordination between the district and local first responders.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
District employees should be aware of the following policies pertaining to sexual harassment…
Smart Schools Investment Plan
As required by the Smart School Bond Act (S S B A) Implementation Guidance, districts must a post a Smart Schools Investment Plan on its website. This plan shows Otselic Valley’s participation in the Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014, which authorized state financing for educational technology and infrastructure to improving students’ learning and opportunities. Read more here.
Student Privacy (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment)
Read more here.
Title IX
To ensure that Otselic Valley provides an environment that’s safe, welcoming, and non-discriminatory on the basis of sex, the district’s harassment and non-discrimination policy can be viewed here.
Teacher Qualifications
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents/guardians have the right to know the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. For more information, contact Mrs. Richards or Dr. Gonzalez.