
This student always listens to directions and tries extra hard to make sure the art room is clean. He also waits his turn patiently and is polite to his classmates.This O V Star goes to ZAKARI B.This student went out of her way to help another student tie their shoes when they were struggling. Afterward, she offered to walk this student back to their classroom. Her patience, encouragement, and kind words make her a fantastic role model in her classroom. I am thankful for the effort she puts forth each day to help create a positive and loving classroom environment.This O V Star goes to SHIRA S.A student in our class was injured and couldn’t play during recess. This student asked if she could bring her toy horses out to play with this student so she wasn’t sitting alone during recess. Thank you for your kindness and for thinking of others.This O V Star goes to IRIS O.This student is being nominated for an O V Star because several students dropped their water bottles. Water leaked out and spilled everywhere. This student jumped right in and helped Mrs. Hackett clean up all the water.This O V Star goes to RILEY W.This student showed exceptional kindness and friendship during the Halloween parade. Thank you for being a STAR student.This O V Star goes to RILEY W.This student always offers to help without being asked. She is a good friend to her classmates.This O V Star goes to DANIELLE H.This student has really put forth effort to do quality work, He has worked hard to slow himself down. He is responsible and always on task.This O V Star goes to SAWYER R.This O V Star is for a student taking charge and encouraging others to participate in class activities which makes our lessons much more enjoyable.This O V Star goes to DAVID P.This student was found sweeping up after the Cell Theater Lab. There was lots of ripped up paper. Even though I said I would do it, she jumped right in. Very, very helpful!This O V Star goes to KATIE K.This student always helps me with clean up and volunteers to do a little extra in the art room to keep it tidy.This O V Star goes to CALEB L.This student helped by cleaning up a mess on his table that he didn’t make. This student finds ways every day to help his friends and teachers. Thank you for being a great friend and student.This O V Star goes to CAESYN C.This student is a great friend who comes into the classroom every day with a big smile and offers hugs right away. She loves imaginary play and invites all of her classmates to join in. She is always sure to cheer you up.This O V Star goes to AMELIA W.This student did an amazing job in the Library.This O V Star goes to JAYLEIGH S.When another student was out of recess for medical reasons and couldn’t play on the playground, this student came over to the student on the bench and asked if they would like to play “I Spy.”This O V Star goes to MADISYN B.This student is a hard worker and a very good role model for his classmates.This O V Star goes to IAN C.This student has come to school nearly every day this year and is willing to learn. Even when a question is hard, she will stop and think about her response, then raise her hand and wait to be called on for the answer. This student’s effort in the classroom improves every day AND she is becoming a class leader.This O V Star goes to ARIA R.This student always has a smile and a positive attitude.This O V Star goes to CIERRA M.This student is always trying his best and is a helpful friend.This O V Star goes to JADEN G.