May 25, 2022Dear Otselic Valley Community,Yesterday while we all headed home from work and school, we heard of the tragic news of another senseless and unexplainable act by a gunman opening fire at an Elementary School in Texas, taking at least 21 innocent lives.As we all struggle today with understanding what happened yesterday, we look for answers and wrestle with explaining and discussing this tragedy with our students, families, and staff. At OV, counseling and a safe place for our students and staff to discuss their emotions are available.At Otselic Valley we practice our school safety lockdown drills, implement safety procedures, and continue to update our building safety features while also updating our building and district safety plans. We have our School Resource Officer visible and on campus everyday school is in session. Our school counselors are available for students and staff to meet with. We are working on providing mental health training to staff and students in the next school year.Please know your child’s safety is, and will always be, our top priority.  We will continue to spend time looking for ways to improve our safety protocols. We appreciate your patience as we make these changes.Please let me know of any questions, thoughts, or suggestions you might have.Respectfully,Georgia Gonzalez, OVCSD Superintendent