
Manners matter. Knowing proper etiquette means students treat others with mutual respect, honor shared spaces, and practice politeness. It is a very useful skill for community building and even career advancement, and our Vikings have it. The most recent OV Star Awards presented by Miss Blake and her helpers reflect this segment of year-long character education and recognition. We appreciate the staff members who noticed our Vikings' good attitudes and so thoughtfully described them, Miss Blake who prepared the stars and returned to school to give them out at Morning Program and in older students' classrooms, and the helpers who assisted with the presentations. This month's awards also included another for comradery, the character education theme which was recognized previously. **************** This student is always polite and courteous, he always says please and thank you! This O V Star for etiquette goes to Brantley K. This student, when the center table was full and had no more room for an extra friend to play, kindly gave up his spot so the other student could have a turn. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Joseph K. This student demonstrates good etiquette by addressing all teachers and staff respectfully. Thank you for always being a leader and showing respect. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Garrette H. This student is always polite. He always says please and thank you. He is a wonderful peer, sharing materials and taking turns. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Ceder M. This student demonstrates etiquette daily by keeping her work area clean and tidy. This makes it really easy for her to find her materials and be ready quickly for each lesson. Keep it up. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Aurora M. This student always helps to clean up after a project. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Leighanne D. This student is always very polite and respectful. He steps in to help others when they need it. He is polite and helps them feel more confident and better about themselves. He is setting a great example in our class and others are following in his footsteps. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Kooper W. This student always helps pick up any trash that is left in the classroom and always helps put up the chairs at the end of the day. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Gabryella R. This student helped another student pick up his stuff that he dropped going down the stairs. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Alex D. This student always says thank you and is always courteous and helpful in art class. She knows when and how to pose questions about her work, missing or current, and always follows the rules. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Abby W. This student is always polite. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Josie G. This student volunteers to sit in the front seat of the bus every morning to entertain the younger children. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Ryley P. This student was a huge help cleaning up our kitchen. I appreciate it so much! This O V Star for etiquette goes to Miranda H. This student always says hello or good morning in the hallway. This O V Star for etiquette goes to Braeden D. This student is always polite and respectful and ends class with, "Have a good day." This O V Star for etiquette goes to Olin C. This student is always polite in my class. He says "Good morning" as he walks in, and is always respectful when asking and answering questions during class. At the end of class each day the class is told, "Have a good day," and he always replies, "Thank you." Though it may not seem like much, it is greatly appreciated to be respected. Thank you! This O V Star for etiquette goes to Levi L. These 3rd graders are always so polite, saying their pleases and thank yous whenever they are in the cafeteria. Keep it up! These O V Stars go to Blake M., Eli S., Bruce S., and Eleanor S-E. Additionally, here's another from last month's focus on comradery: These students are always able to participate in activities and games without arguing. They congratulate one another, have fun, and are always there for their classmates. These O V Stars for comradery go to Lilly, Ember, and Madison.