January 5, 2022 Dear Otselic Valley Families: Otselic Valley School District continues to monitor the COVID-19 cases among our teachers, staff, and students. As the number of positive cases continue to rise and more staff and students are positive, the district may need to move to virtual learning for days at a time. Beginning January 6th, 2022, all students will be bringing their district-issued technology device and charger home with them daily. Students should plan to bring it home each day and return to school with it fully charged. Otselic Valley School District does not currently have any plans to move to a virtual learning model, but having devices at home will allow the district to make this move if the number of positive COVID-19 cases result in staffing shortages or closure due to an emergency order. Please emphasize to your child that technology is meant to be used for school purposes only. We are limited on extra chargers and devices, so please take great care to ensure the devices and chargers are available daily in school. Thank you for your support during this unpredictable time and understand we are working hard to ensure students remain in-person for their education as much as possible, while having appropriate staff coverage to ensure student safety and learning. Respectfully, Georgia Gonzalez O V C S D Superintendent