December 21, 2021 RE: COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Dear Parents/Guardians, Thank you for your continued support as we navigate through another year with the COVID-19 pandemic. At Otselic Valley Central School District, keeping our students safe and in school is our number one priority. We have learned a great deal in the last 18 months and our current guidance reflects the most updated recommendations from the New York State and our local Department of Health agencies. In the last four months Chenango County has worked with us to begin providing rapid testing, and in the last two months to provide us with P C R testing to staff and athletes who are unvaccinated. We are now able to provide the symptomatic testing through both rapid Binax testing and P C R testing for students and staff who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 at school. The rapid testing is a non-invasive nasal swab that is collected under the supervision of the school nurse and provides a result typically within 15 minutes. The P C R is a non-invasive mouth swab collected under the supervision of the school nurse and provides results typically within three days. Neither test is uncomfortable and they are easy for students to do by themselves. Students may only participate in the rapid Binax test or P C R testing with permission from a parent or guardian. It is important that you are fully informed regarding both processes and options. We are here to answer any questions you may have before you sign the consent form. Symptomatic testing is used when a student is showing symptoms. A rapid test is conducted first. If the test is positive the student is sent home and contact tracing is conducted. The test results are reported to the Department of Health and the isolation stage begins. If the student tests negative, we provide the P C R test. The student is sent home and requested to stay home until the results from the P C R test come back. If the student is positive, they must isolate for 10 days from the day of the first symptom, and it is reported to the Department of Health. If the test is negative, we ask the student to remain home until they have not had a fever for 24 hours without medication and are without a runny nose or harsh cough. Students with a doctor's note regarding allergies, sinus conditions, etc. may return sooner. Under no circumstances should a student come to school if they are feeling sick. To participate in school testing and potentially reduce the amount of time your student may be required to be out of school, you must sign the consent form "COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Consent" on behalf of your student and return it to the school nurse. Respectfully, Georgia Gonzalez, O V C S D Superintendent We aspire to be a model school that empowers all students to realize their unlimited potential.