From the Chenango County Health Department, Health Education Division (December 3, 2021) -- We appreciate your patience. Chenango County is currently experiencing its highest surge in COVID-19 cases since the pandemic started almost two years ago. It is critical that everyone continue to try to curb the spread of COVID-19. We know that social distancing, wearing masks and getting vaccinated works. Please continue to take the proper precautions to protect yourselves and those most at risk and get vaccinated. We are doing our best to keep up with the large number of new COVID-19 cases. Please be patient with this process. We may not be able to return phone calls in a prompt manner during this time or immediately perform contact tracing. If you are positive, please begin to isolate at home, wear a mask, sanitize surfaces, and practice good hand washing. Please cooperate with the contact tracer when they call you and complete the interview honestly and accurately. We understand that people are frustrated, and some are angry. We are all in the same boat and the battle is ongoing. Please have patience. Your choices now and throughout this holiday season will make the different between life and death for some members of our community. Thank you. [Persons with questions or requiring additional information may contact the Chenango County Health Department at (607) 337-1660.]