The O V Star Award tradition continues at Otselic Valley this school year with a twist: each month the Star Awards reflect students who practice that month’s area of focus. This time Vikings were recognized for their responsibility:  the ability to make the right decisions and/or complete duties and jobs. Their responsibility reflects the actions and words they use with others and in shared spaces. It affects their personal goals and how they’re feeling. It shapes their work as they do their best. Well done, Vikings!We also appreciate staff who noticed all these examples of student responsibility, Miss Blake who announced the latest round of awards at Morning Program, and her award-giving assistants.We are thankful for all of you.***************These two girls show responsibility each morning when they walk into the classroom. Their folders are always in the bin and their belongings hung in their cubbies. These girls are also willing to jump in and help other friends clean up.These O V Stars for Responsibility go to AURORA M. and SHIRA S.Each of these students has shown great responsibility throughout this school year. These students make sure they have completed their work (in and out of school), make sure they have all their supplies in order (like sharpened pencils), and always keep their area in tip-top shape.These O V Stars for Responsibility go to LUKE D., ELEANOR S-E, and ELI S.This student always gets her homework and classwork done on time and keeps her space neat and organized. If she missed something, she works hard to get caught up and puts in her best effort.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to SHARLY.This student was working in a non-ideal situation for several days, and despite this inconvenience she showed responsibility by getting all of her work done and not once complaining about it. Thank you!This O V Star for Responsibility goes to BRADYN M.This student always sets an example by keeping her space and school supplies organized and clean. She is a constant encouraging voice in the classroom and uplifts and helps others when they need it. She also was out for an extended period of time and came back with all her homework completed and she was ready to work. She is responsible for herself and helps others feel inspired to do the same.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to LAKYN L.While cleaning up after breakfast, this student accidentally spilled milk on the floor. Without being asked, he grabbed a paper towel and went to work cleaning up the spill.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to LANE R.This student is always prepared for the day. He completes his homework on time, remembers to bring his trombone for band every week, is always focused, and is always on task. He is a very responsible student!This O V Star for Responsibility goes to NELSON S.This student forgot to do her homework a few days in a row. She took responsibility for her work and completed all three math sheets and brought them back in. This was not something her teacher asked her to do all in one day, but she took it upon herself to complete her work because it was the right thing to do. Nice job showing responsibility!This O V Star for Responsibility goes to ARIA R.This student did a great job looking for her library book and bringing it in for another friend to enjoy.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to AURORA M.This student is doing a nice job being responsible for her assignments by using her student planner each day.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to KASSIDIE C.This student is very responsible. She makes sure she knows what she has to do and does it.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to LUPITA L.This student is very responsible about completing her work for E L A and Math. She works hard to make sure she is all caught up if she misses a class for a lesson. If she has a question, she does not hesitate to email or contact the teacher.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to GABRYELL R.    This student is extremely responsible with her classwork and homework. She is not afraid to ask questions or double check about an assignment for Math or E L A.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to ISABELLA S.This student has shown respect for her classmates, the Art Room, and her work. I applaud her responsibility toward people and the things that are important in her life. Thank you.This O V Star for Responsibility goes to ABBI W.