August 2021 To: Parents/Guardians of boys and girls in Grades 7-9 Re: Modified soccer practice Modified soccer practice will start on the first day of school, Thursday, September 9, 2021, from 3-5 pm. An updated physical and a medical update form (both of which are on our website, here) are required to be turned into the school nurse before the beginning of school. If these two items are not turned into the nurse, your child will not be eligible to stay for practice until they are. Please come prepared, bring good and bad weather gear, soccer cleats, sneakers, shin guards, water bottle, a snack, and a good attitude. Start conditioning now! Please make sure you are running. If you wait until practice starts to begin conditioning, you will be letting yourself, your team, and your coaches down. Start the process now. Running a few miles a week will greatly increase your endurance once practice starts. Start looking for cleats and shin guards. Break in your cleat to avoid blisters. A mandatory sports meeting for all Modified and Varsity athletes (all sports, all year) and their parents will be held on August 19 at 6 pm in the M P R. Masks are required of everyone regardless of vaccination status. Enjoy the rest of the summer, see you in September. Coach Graham, Boys' Modified Coach Coach Moody, Girls' Modified Coach