Mrs. Stacie Morse, RN, has important back-to-school reminders for parents. PARENTS OF STUDENTS IN GRADES K, 6, 7, and 12 Additional immunizations need to be completed before the 2021-2022 school year starts. Please send proof of these vaccinations to the Health Office. Kindergarten: They require their booster shots: DTaP, Polio, Hep B, MMR, and Varicella.Grade 6: They require TDaP. It’s the adult version of DTaP.Grade 7: They require Meningococcal.Grade 12: They require their second dose of Meningococcal. PARENTS OF STUDENT ATHLETES Parents of students in grades 7-12 who are planning on playing sports, please note that New York State has resumed their requirement of a current health physical (within 1 year) for students who play sports. If your child did not receive their physical at school last year, please obtain a current physical from their health care provider using this form (download and print from our website, or get a copy from school), and return it to the Health Office. QUESTIONS? Please contact Mrs. Morse, RN, via email: