FIELDS DAYS ARE BACK! Families, please remember to review instructions from Miss Graham and Mr. DiPaulo about what students should wear and bring to school tomorrow (Wednesday, June 23). Hats are optional but students may bring them. This will be a school-only event (no spectators please). ************** June 21, 2021Greetings:Our Annual Field Days is back on! It will be held on Wednesday, June 23, 2021. Students should be sure to wear sneakers that can be tied tightly and attire that is appropriate for a physically active day.Students may bring their own lunch or get a cafeteria lunch. Students must bring their water bottle to use and refill throughout the day. Students should bring a change of clothes, and dry sneakers because there is a water station. If wearing a dress, please wear shorts underneath.Lastly, we urge all students to wear sunscreen for this hopefully sunny event. Students may bring their own sunscreen and apply it themselves, but they are not allowed to share. Teachers are not allowed to apply the sunscreen.We hope to have a fun and event filled day!Thanks,Miss GrahamMr. DiPaulo