Congratulations to OV Star Award winners for April 2021! Notice the variety of ways students take care of our school and each other. Vikings show their character every day with compassion, initiative, determination, and sensitivity. We also notice, and appreciate, that these OV Star Award winners come from all grades. Well done, everyone! ***************************** This student helped a friend who got hurt on the playground. She went right into action and got her help. The OV Star goes to Shira Shen. This student is always willing to help a teacher or a friend. She is a friend that is always willing to lend a helping hand. The OV Star goes to Aurora Marshall. This student is very kind and helpful to others in his class. He always uses good manners everywhere he goes. Thank you for being a good role model to your classmates. The OV Star goes to Kaiden Magee. This student has learned to not give up. When something is hard to do, he gives it his best try. He keeps practicing until he can do it all by himself. Hooray to this OV Star who doesn't give up. The OV Star goes to Gunner Smith. This student read a book to a student who said he couldn't read. The OV Star goes to Laykn Lemin. A student dropped their crayons on the floor as we were going back into the classroom. These girls stopped and helped their friend pick her crayons up. The OV Stars go to Aubree Thompson and Melody Coats. This student's thoughtfulness and his artistry have brightened everyone's day. The OV Star goes to Luke Doroshenko. This student, without being asked, holds the door open every morning in the snow, rain, or sunshine for students entering the building while temperatures are taken. You are an awesome helper! Congratulations! The OV Star goes to Cohen Loomis. This student has a positive attitude and works diligently on challenging tasks. She also takes a responsible role in her learning as she is willing to work on concepts learned in class while eating her breakfast in the classroom. Way to go kiddo! The OV Star goes to Taylor Marshall. This is a very responsible student who works diligently to complete her assignments. She is also very caring as she helped a classmate work through some challenging math problems. Excellent work! The OV Star goes to Emma Miller. This student is always helping others and keeping our room clean. The OV Star goes to Lupita Lopez. This student is always helping others in math. The OV Star goes to Lizzy Palmer. This student is always, always, always willing to help anybody with anything! And she does it with a smile! The OV Star goes to Alex Thompson. This student always seems to know when someone needs help and is always the first to ask if anyone needs help opening a door or carrying supplies, to name just a few. The OV Star goes to Alex Doroshenko. This student walked into my room as I was putting up chairs and stopped to help. Gracias! The OV Star goes to Logan Ossont. This student was a huge help to Mrs. Cantrell cleaning up after cooking pizzas. Gracias! The OV Star goes to Katie Kenyon. The following students came up to Spanish class and ended up helping their younger siblings and friends in 5th grade Spanish class. The OV Star goes to Braeden Bunting and Ryley Palmer. This student is always a huge help and a pleasure to be around. You are appreciated. The OV Star goes to Mackenzie DuBois. This student did a fantastic job helping out some younger and less experienced players during the first few days of baseball practice. His leadership and compassion have not gone unnoticed. Keep up the great work! The OV Star goes to Braedan Davis. These students helped Mrs. Marshall pick up a classmate's spill. The OV Stars go to Kameron Marshall and Nicholas Ramsdell. This student took the time to help out other students on Zoom while I was assisting a group in a breakout room. She also handed back station booklets without being asked. Thanks! The OV Star goes to Tori Foster. [As always, many thanks to Miss Blake for faithfully creating and distributing these meaningful stars, and to all staff who notice the goodness in our hallways.]