
Kind, clever, resourceful, hard-working, patient, eagle-eyed... Clearly, there are as many ways to become O V Stars as there are Vikings at our school. There isn't a formula for this award, and students aren't over-loud or attention-seeking with their goodness. It just happens, and we appreciate the character in each of you. Yes, some students earned more than one O V Star Award this month! (With special thanks to Miss Blake for rounding up this recognition, then preparing and distributing the O V Stars.) This student has been a great helper. She has been helping her friend who has returned from being virtual by reminding them of the routine and what to do during center time. She is also a hard worker. The O V Star goes to PIPER S. This student is very polite and helpful to others. She is always kind to her friends. The O V Star goes to ADALYNN H. This student always does his best. He is very polite and kind to others. This O V Star goes to WILSON C. This student helped a student who is learning to tie her shoes. This O V Star goes to GABRIEL H. The following students were so kind and thoughtful. They weren't asked to help and it wasn't their mess, but they got right to action and cleaned up spilled milk after a friend had an accident. These O V Stars go to JOURNEE S. and NATALIE B. This student saw a pile of magazines in our classroom fall to the floor. He picked them up without being asked. This O V Star goes to SAWYER R. This student saw a classmate was upset and he consoled her and let her in his spot in line. This O V Star goes to ELI M. When the students came back from Library, Mrs. Marston was sitting in this student's chair. This student politely asked for her chair back and then got Mrs. Marston another chair. This O V Star goest to LAKYN L. When her classmates were pulled out for centers, this student cleaned up the game they were playing without being asked. This O V Star goes to ARIA R. The following students without even thinking twice all rushed to get paper towels and helped clean up cereal that was spilled on the floor. These O V Stars go to CALLIE E., BRUCE and ELI S., ANITA P., and GARRETT L. This student helped younger peers and is doing a great job of helping. This O V Star goes to BRADLEY C. This student offered to help another student on a task that was challenging. She exhibited kindness, patience, and was very caring while assisting another student. Way to go! This O V Star goes to RYLIE P. This student finished his work and offered to help a fellow classmate with some tricky math problems. He too showed kindness and patience while helping a classmate. Super job! This O V Star goes to HUNTER P. This student has been doing an awesome job working hard and accepting direction to assist him in completing his assignments. Excellent effort! This O V Star goes to CARTER H. This student exhibited great maturity and understanding during a difficult station. You're amazing, kiddo! This O V Star goes to BRADLEY C. This student gave money to another student on the ski trip to make a purchase. This O V Star goes to BRIELLA P. This student got a friend a slushy drink because she was hurt and could not walk. This O V Star goes to AMELIA W. This student helps others in the classroom on E L A and Math work. This O V Star goes to BALEIGH D. This student shows a lot of respect to all he meets and is kind to his peers. This O V Star goes to RYLEE R. This student is helpful during math time, teaching her peers, and taking the time to make sure they understand the concepts. This O V Star goes to DANICA D. This student gave a younger student on the ski trip money to purchase something to eat. This O V Star goes to MADELEINE M. This student is willing to give a helping hand to anyone, and especially his sister. This O V Star goest to COLE W. This student helped a friend when she wasn't feeling well. This O V Star goes to PAIGE W. The following students always take the time to say my name every time they say hello or goodbye. It is a thoughtful gesture to take a moment to say the person's name. It makes a world of difference to the person you are saying hello to. Thank you for making a difference! These O V Stars go to PAIGE P., KEVIN P., CASSIDY W., and TORI F. The following students helped fix a door to a bookshelf that had come off in Mrs. Kalin's room. They replaced what was needed and made it look almost brand new and matched it too! Great job boys and way to put those woodworking skills to great use. These O V Stars go to ALEX A. and RYAN G. This student took the time to help out a friend during study hall to help him get his homework done. Way to go! This O V Star goes to KAMERON M. The following students helped out Mr. Preston and two other students by getting paper towels to help clean up a mess. It is wonderful when others go out of the way to help others. These O V Stars go to KAMERON M. and ETHEN S. This student, even though he finished putting his engine back together in Ag Mechanics before many of his classmates, without being asked, helped his classmates with their engines when they needed help or had questions about putting them back together. This O V Star goes to KOLBIE P.