
“On behalf of the Congress of the United States,” the certificate from Congressman Anthony Brindisi reads, “I am honored to recognize Morgan Smith for your nomination to the United States Air Force Academy.” This nomination puts Morgan on track to be considered for acceptance to the United States Air Force Academy located outside Colorado Springs upon graduation from Otselic Valley. It is the first time a female graduate from Otselic Valley has been nominated for admission to the U S A F A, a notable achievement. Admission to the United States Air Force Academy is a long process unlike applications to civilian colleges and universities. Students interested in becoming cadets and subsequently graduating as officers must first obtain the endorsement of a legally authorized nominating entity. Each member of Congress is allowed to have a maximum of 5 candidates from their district in the Air Force Academy at one time, and the process is extremely competitive. Congressman Brindisi evaluates individual would-be candidates for academic achievement, leadership, and athletic participation. The process is rigorous, and it is only the first step in possible admission. Only 11% of applicants are expected to be awarded membership in the U S A F A Class of 2025. Morgan’s nomination is not surprising given her significant talents and achievements. We congratulate Morgan for her nomination  to U S A F A (“Life at a different altitude”), and we are proud and confident that she will continue growing from strength to strength. Best wishes! Learn more at the United States Air Force Academy website.