Another meeting of this year's Shared Decision Meeting Committee is scheduled for Monday, January 11 at 6:30 pm via Zoom. The group comprises representatives from district administration, teachers/staff, and parent/community members. Please note that openings still remain for interested parent/community representatives. Learn more at this previously published website article. MINUTES: December 14, 2020Present: Danielle Smith, Joseph Gross, Libby Norton, Shelly Richards, Georgia Gonzalez, Sabrina Whorrall, Kathryn Rutz, Colleen MorseThe meeting started at 6:30 pm.The committee discussed considerations for future community engagement.  The committee came up with or continued with ideas from the last meeting.  Ideas included:1.      The summer recreation program – training for new individuals to run the program, as two individuals that currently run the program will likely not continue doing in the long-term future.2.      Continue “Campaign for Reading”3.      Shared classes, services, programs, and athletics4.      Secure virtual learning – what set standards mean5.      Potential shared proms, senior trips, other field trips with local school districts6.      More and different electives for 7-12th grade7.      Enrichment opportunities – high honor and honor roll (other achievement milestones)8.      Attendance improvement – how to improve for virtual learning9.      Utilization of Xello, especially for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade10.    Increasing clubs – meet student interests11.    Textbooks for improving writing and spelling – including district wide program12.    Hands on share program for content and non-content areas – possible COSER through BOCES13.    Improving student social interactionsThe committee discussed what the currently has done well and not so well over recent years. Strengths included: 1.    Reading specialist2.    Summer Space Camp – 3 weeks for 4 days per week (part of summer recreation program)3.    Offering college courses, includes distance learning with Afton4.    Improved parent engagement (especially with the usage of Seesaw, Schoology, and Kami)5.    Starting to integrate PLCsWeaknesses included: 1.    Writing program – continuity2.    Professional development for differentiating in PK-123.    Sharing and collaboration in several content areas4.    Afterschool programs – student management program (especially for virtual students)