Dear Otselic Valley School Families, We are thrilled to be at school with your children and it is with sincere Viking Pride that I write this letter.  We have been in school for almost three months and I am proud of our students and staff for doing everything they need to do to “Protect the Vikings.”  Our entire learning community has done their part by wearing their masks, maintaining social distance when necessary, and practicing good hygiene throughout the school day.  It’s my genuine belief that Otselic Valley Central School District is a model in its efforts to maintain and provide a safe and invaluable learning experience.  I hope that you share in our pride for the collective efforts of students, staff, and community. While there is much to celebrate, we must stay diligent and proactive in our efforts as there has been a rise in COVID cases in our community, and in the surrounding regions.  As a result, there is a possibility that we will be designated through the county as a Yellow Zone.  What is a Yellow Zone?  A “Yellow Zone” area is put in place as a broader buffer area to ensure COVID outbreak is not spreading into the community.  If this occurs, we will have to act per the New York State Department of Health’s requirement to test 20% of students, teachers, and staff who are in-person.  We are currently determining how testing will be conducted within our school district, and we expect to know more in the coming days. I’m writing to inform you and ask for your help.  In order for us to keep our school building open as long as possible, we must remain cognizant of the threat of COVID-19, continue practicing our safety protocols outlined in our re-opening plans and take immediate action to address issues should they arise.  In order to do this, we ask your help by responding to the Google survey at this link: . The survey will be opened until 11/30/20 at 12:00 pm, at which point, we will determine whether or not to move forward with testing. Thank you for your continued support and for doing your part to Protect the OV Vikings. Stay safe and be well, Georgia Gonzalez, SuperintendentOtselic Valley Central School