NEARLY THERE! **Two-thirds** of our parents/guardians have replied to the very short but important survey about returning to school and expanding in-person school time. Deadline to participate: Friday, November 6. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY don't need to complete the survey again. Thank you for completing it. WHY ARE WE ASKING FOR YOUR INPUT? "We originally planned to revisit the reopening plan by mid-October. Having now been open for a couple months, we felt it is appropriate to assess the success of the hybrid model in the ever changing COVID19 environment. Our students and staff are very compliant with wearing masks and socially distancing while in the building. We feel that we can safely return more students to the building and maintain this compliance, which we believe will collectively improve both morale and learning…for both student and staff alike. We take this matter very seriously and wish to engage parents in the process before a final decision is made.” --Mr. D. Silky WHAT WILL BE DIFFERENT? From the survey: "Keep in mind that if we return to daily in-person learning for all students, masks will be worn all day with the exception of periodic mask breaks and when students are eating."WHY ARE ALL-DAY MASKS NEEDED? With more students in the building at the same time, we will have approximately double the number of students in each classroom (compared to earlier in this school year when we started scheduling separate cohorts/groups). This means desks will likely be closer than 6 feet apart so students will need to wear masks. Safely managed mask breaks will be arranged by teachers. Students are already required to wear masks when they are unable to be socially distanced and/or in motion in the classrooms and hallways.WHAT WILL MASK BREAKS BE LIKE?When students are able to be socially distanced, they will be allowed to have masks off.  If they are uncomfortable and need a mask break at any time, teachers will have a spot in their room for a safe mask break.  Elementary will likely take several masks breaks a day and will also be eating in the cafeteria, where they can be safely distanced to eat.SURVEY LINK LEARN MORE