
The Board of Education has approved creation of a new Diploma of Distinction available to Otselic Valley graduating seniors beginning in 2021. This new opportunity proposed by Interim Superintendent Mike Drahos is helping change the approach to community service at our school. Previously, community service credits were required as a condition of graduation. Students worked both in school and in the community throughout high school in order to fulfill this graduation requirement. This obligation did not necessarily encourage volunteerism beyond school requirements, however. Additionally, COVID-19 now makes it more difficult to find safe opportunities to serve. There is another way. With a Diploma of Distinction, students will be rewarded for achieving 60 hours of community service, not punished for its absence. The following details comprise Mr. Drahos's proposal to the Board which was accepted by unanimous vote. RATIONALE Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community, which has supported them by providing a public education.  Volunteerism has a lasting, positive impact on both the local community and society at large. Community service or volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it most. A Diploma of Distinction based on community service will allow the Otselic Valley Central School District to acknowledge those students who have demonstrated a commitment to community service while also achieving all the requirements of a high school diploma. CRITERIA By the end of the 3rd quarter of the student‘s senior year, the student must have completed 60 hours of approved and documented community service and achieved a 2.0 or better cumulative grade point average. The following is meant to be a broad guideline of what counts, and what does not count for community service: 1. Students must perform volunteer services on their own time. Community service done as part of a class activity will be recorded, but the time will not count toward the 60 hours. 2. Class, club, or team-organized opportunities to serve the community which are not mandatory will count. 3. Students may not be paid for service rendered. 4. Fundraising for non-profit organizations or charities will count. 5. Class or activity fundraising will not count. 6. Service may not be performed for a student’s family or for a profit-making organization, except for institutions like hospitals, nursing homes, or the humane society without prior permission from the Dean of Students. 7. Service performed as a result of disciplinary action taken by the school or courts cannot count. Examples of community service: • Assisting the PTO, Booster Club, OVIPA • Assist an elderly community member with housework or yardwork (permission required) • Engage in church related or youth group activities that involve community service projects • Collecting food for a local food bank • Volunteer at non profit/ 503C organization, ie, Habitat for Humanity, Wolf Mountain, Opportunities for Chenango, ARISE. • Tutor students younger than yourself • Volunteer for local fire department, rescue squad, American Legion, etc. • Boy Scout or Girl Scout sponsored service projects TRACKING Beginning in 7th grade, students will receive a community service form to document community service.  Those logs will be periodically monitored and turned in bi-monthly to the Dean of Students.  The documentation will list all community service activities and hours. Each community service activity must have the signature of the adult supervisor of the individual events/projects/service program. At the beginning of the senior year the Dean of Students will share the accumulated hours with the Guidance Office.  Final documentation MUST be turned in to the Dean of Students by the last day of the 3rd quarter for a student to be eligible for the Diploma of Distinction. RECOGNITION Recognition for this diploma will include: THANK YOU Our thanks are extended to Mr. Drahos for developing this new opportunity at Otselic Valley Central School. The Diploma of Distinction will center community service as an important, worthwhile goal to be cultivated by students, and then practiced throughout adulthood. It will also allow us to celebrate and affirm those students who do much for others.