The Section III Athletic Association has asked every district to vote on one of three options for a return to athletics during the pandemic.  Those votes are due today and will be tabulated tomorrow. On behalf of the Board of Education I indicated that our preference was to postpone soccer until the second semester.  The Board and I believe this is the best opportunity our kids to have a season.  Given the safety and supervisory requirements and the costs associated with those we do not believe we would be able to have a season if it began on September 21st. A brief highlight of some of the barriers to starting on Sept. 21 include:  Costly and extensive requirements regarding mandatory health and safety protocols for both practices and games, Concern that exposure to COVID-19 positive individuals is significantly increased by social distancing  requirements which are LESS than for physical education classes, band, and chorus, Concern that exposure to COVID-19 positive individuals is significantly increased by allowing athletes to not wear masks while engaged in practice or contests. I and every member of our Board of Education understands and embraces the need to provide opportunities outside the classroom for our students.  Postponing the season provides the greatest opportunity for this to happen. --Mr. Michael Drahos, Superintendent