RATIONALE FOR PLAN, AND OVERVIEWAs of the date of this plan (August 14, 2020), New York State has been under a State of Emergency declaration since March 16, 2020.  ALL schools in New York were ordered closed by Executive Order and remain closed still.  Under the direction of the New York State Education Department, all schools were required to develop and submit Reopening Plans on or before July 31, 2020.  Governor Cuomo decided on August 7, 2020, that Otselic Valley Schools will be allowed to open.   Part of that plan requires that schools develop plans for instruction of students: (a) In person, (b) Remotely, or (c) a combination of the two ("hybrid instruction") with students learning in person some days and remotely on the others.At this time, due to multiple considerations listed in our full plan, Otselic Valley will be offering students in grades PK-12 the following: (a) Hybrid Instruction or(b) Optional All-Remote Instruction  IN-PERSON LEARNING If considerations, including the local and regional rate of COVID-19 infection, allow for in-person instruction at some time in the future, students will learn in a classroom with certified teachers, following guidelines for sound respiratory and hand hygiene. REMOTE INSTRUCTIONIf circumstances dictate schools be closed for either a short or lengthy period of time, students will continue to receive instruction from home, via one-to-one district provided devices.  Instruction will be synchronous if at all possible, with students following a daily schedule of classes.  This will provide for structure and allow for meaningful and substantive interaction between teachers and students.  The District will take steps to ensure that all students have access to technology and ensure that alternatives will be provided. HYBRID INSTRUCTIONIf circumstances remain as they are as of August 14, 2020, Otselic Valley will offer a hybrid model of instruction.  Students will be in school two days per week, in classrooms where social distancing can be maintained.  They will receive instruction remotely on the days they are not in school.  Remote instruction will occur asynchronously on the days they are not in school.  As above, the District will take steps to ensure that all students have access to technology and ensure that alternatives will be provided.  OPTIONAL REMOTE-ONLY INSTRUCTIONParents may opt to choose all-remote instruction for their child(ren) in which case they will be required to commit for a 10-week time period semester.  In an optional remote-only model, instruction will be asynchronous. DEFINITIONSSynchronous Instruction—Students in a particular class will receive instruction remotely via videoconference (Zoom) at the same time as other students in that class.  They will be afforded the opportunity for substantive face-to-face interaction with the teacher on a daily basis. Asynchronous Instruction—Students in a particular class will receive instruction remotely at a time that is convenient to them and their families.  Interaction with the teacher will consist of pre-recorded videos, on-line lessons, scheduled videoconferences, email, and telephone conversations. TECHNOLOGY AND CONNECTIVITYThe district will work directly with families who do not have access to high-speed internet in a hybrid or all remote model. Additionally: (a) All students in grades K-12 will be given a district-owned IPad, Chromebook or Laptop to use in school and when learning from home.(b) A survey was sent to all families in the district asking about their access to high speed internet and the results of that survey will identify deficiencies from a connectivity standpoint. (c) Wi-Fi Access points have been installed in parking lots at the Georgetown Elementary School and the Otselic Valley School, affording 24-hour access to students and families at no cost to them.(d) We will work with families including providing them with alternative modes on a limited basis.(e) Paper copies of instructional material will be provided as needed, as will textbooks and other necessary materials.INSTRUCTIONAL MODELS FOR OTSELIC VALLEYThere are four possible instructional models that Otselic Valley Central School has developed for the 2020-2021 school year.  Depending upon the pandemic and local COVID-19 infection rates, one of these models will be selected and implemented at the start of the school year.  It may become necessary to transition from one model to another model, at the direction of the Governor’s Executive orders, directives from the New York State Department of Education and/or the Chenango or Madison County Departments of Health.  The four instructional models are found in this plan and include all in-person instruction, all remote instruction, optional remote instruction, and a hybrid schedule of mixed in-person and remote instruction. At this time, parents and students will be able to select either the hybrid learning model or the all-remote learning model.  Based on the number of students who select the all-remote learning model, the district will determine whether to implement the asynchronous (not happening at the same time) or synchronous (happening at the same time) hybrid learning model. Asynchronous learning means that students working at home will not receive direct instruction through Zoom video conferencing while they are working on assignments.  Teachers will contact students at alternate times to check on progress, answer questions, and ‘touch base’ with students.Synchronous learning means that students working at home will use Zoom video conferencing to receive direct instruction from an instructor while they are working on assignments.Hybrid means that students will have a mix of in-person instruction and remote learning at home.All-remote learning means that students will not attend school in-person and will complete all assignments at home using iPads, Chromebooks and Laptops (or paper materials, as required). REMOTE LEARNING INSTRUCTIONAL PLATFORMS AND HARDWARE ·         For students in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade, the primary instructional software will be SeeSaw.  Students will use SeeSaw to access all lessons and instructional content. ·         For students in 4th through 6th grade, the primary instructional software will be Google Classroom.  Students will use Google Classroom to access all lessons and instructional content. ·         For students in 7th through 12th grades, the primary instructional software will be Schoology.  Students will use Schoology to access all lessons and instructional content. ·         In the classroom, teachers and students will use:  Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, audio and video content, and other programs as needed. ·         Teachers and students will also use Zoom videoconferencing to conduct classes, hold classroom meetings, and implement small group lessons.  All students will receive an iPad, Chromebook or laptop to use at home.  DAILY SCHEDULETeachers and students will observe a normal school day:  7:50 AM until 2:25 PM, Monday through Friday.   MORE ABOUT REMOTE LEARNINGOur district will provide remote learning to all students in grades PK-12.  The primary mode of remote learning will be administered using three standard platforms:  1.      SeeSaw – A platform for student engagement gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology.  Students have the capability to use creative tools to take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio. 2.      Google Classroom – A platform that will streamline communication and effectively connect teachers with students and families. It will be utilized to support and enhance a variety of learning experiences for students.  3.      Schoology – A platform that will streamline communication and effectively connect teachers with students and families.  It will also be used to support and enhance a variety of learning experiences for students.SeeSaw, Google Classroom and Schoology will provide accessibility, consistency, and a clear definition for teachers to communicate with students on assignments that will include instructions on what to do and when it is due. Internet connectivity will be provided by hotspots, thumb drives and device access will be 1:1 for all students (meaning all students are provided with a device) in grades K-12.  For help with devices, students/families can contact the South Central Regional Information Center (SCRIC) helpline at (607) 766-3800, option 1.   OFFICE HOURS, KEEPING TRACK, AND CHANGE REQUESTSAll teachers will have available office hours for all students needing academic support by appointment online on Mondays-Fridays from 2:25 – 3:00 pm and Wednesdays online throughout the day.  On the last day of the week, teachers will provide students with “a week at a glance” for assignments, due dates, etc. for the following week of school.  Teachers will also provide daily assessment and evidence of learning for all students.All families have been contacted to advise them of their child’s A or B hybrid schedule, which includes 2 days a week of in-school learning and 3 days a week of remote learning.  If circumstances change for those needing all-remote learning, and you wish to transition your child(ren) to hybrid in-person learning during the next marking period of the 2020-2021 school year; please contact Shelly Richards, Otselic Valley Principal or Gail Burpee, District Office secretary at (315) 653-7218.