A wooden locked box used for tax collection sits on a wooden table in the corner of a bank, with a decorate watering can filled with flowers

A Note from your Tax Collector:

Did you receive your tax bill for school taxes?  Several have been returned as “undeliverable” or “No such address," or “Unknown." 

Please note that tax bills are printed by Chenango and Madison Counties.  If your address is incorrect, you need to contact your assessor to get it fixed, which is why I can’t fix your address in the tax collection program. Unless the assessor fixes it directly, your address will  still be wrong in the county data base and will still be wrong next year.

If you haven’t received your tax bill, call the Tax Collector at 315-653-7218, ext. 4042 and one can be reprinted and mailed to you.  

There is still time to pay your taxes before the penalty kicks in (mailed taxes must be postmarked on or before October 2, 2023 to avoid penalty).  Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt mailed to you.

If you own more than one parcel, you can write one check for all parcels combined. Just remember to include your tax stubs for each parcel.

For your convenience, payments can be made in person at the Georgetown Bus Garage one last Wednesday on September 27, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.

Thank you.