A stethoscope in a heart shape with a Red Cross and red heart, A message from our school nurse, Otselic Valley Central School

"Otselic Valley Central School is currently experiencing several different illnesses. Pink eye, stomach bug, flu, upper respiratory infections, coxsackie virus (see information below), strep throat, and other viral illnesses are currently going around.

This is a good time to start taking extra vitamin C, eating more fruits and vegetables, increasing fluids, washing your hands frequently, and covering your face well for coughs and sneezes.

Please keep your child home for 24 hours after their last fever without medication. Send water bottles in with your children to increase their hydration.

Otselic Valley Central School has had a few confirmed cases of the Coxsackie virus or as it's commonly known, Hand, Foot and Mouth disease also. This disease is very contagious in the first week. Symptoms are fever, poor appetite, runny nose and sore throat. These usually appear three to five days after exposure. A blister-like rash on the hands, feet and in the mouth usually develops one to two days after the initial symptoms. If your child develops these symptoms, please keep them home and contact their provider. Students and staff are able to return to school when the rash breakouts have stopped, they are feeling better, and their fever has been gone for 24 hours unmedicated. Please see the links below for further information. As always good handwashing goes a long way towards prevention." -- Mrs. Stacie Morse, RN


