A box of energy saving tools for home use

Is that shiny thing in the box a flood light or a high efficiency shower head? Ask your 5th graders when they bring home their Living Wise kit today, parents – they’ll know! – then work together to install it and other utility-saving resources in your home, for free.

OV’s 5th graders are each bringing home a kit worth $60 that includes an array of energy- and water-saving resources that can save families money on their monthly utility bills. The best part: students and parents can learn together using a workbook, and make affordable improvements in their homes to conserve resources.

This free program provided by New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (NYSEG) aligns with New York State Education standards, and will include lessons about energy and water conservation hosted by Ms. Charles in the weeks to come.

To begin, Ms. Charles supported students’ learning about electricity, water, and natural gas, and unpacked the contents of their kit. If you’ve never used LED lightbulbs, a Polar Bear insulation kit, weather stripping, and more, that’s no problem – it’s simple enough that students can lead installation in your home using available instructions.

Science is practical!