Seated third graders use 3-D pens to write while a standing student puts a filament into the pen

Imagine writing without being confined to a piece of paper. 

That's exactly what Vikings did recently when they practiced using 3D pens. Through partnership with the School Library System at DCMO BOCES and its Interlibrary Loan system, our students recently had access to 21st century technology used to create 3-dimensional items without using  3-D printers.

They chose filaments in a variety of colors to use in these unusual pens, and they began to write and draw while getting used to how it feels, how it builds, and how it cools.

Our Vikings joined engineers and designers who use this technology to solve practical problems, and they experienced what it is to see their ideas emerge in visual ways. STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Math) education lets students explore and practice creative thinking with immediate real-world results.

What will you make next, everybody?