Wooden blocks labeled Have Your Say are stacked as a hand takes one off the top

Something important is coming to the Otselic Valley Central School District community.

Please watch for a special SchoolMessenger, plus posts to our social media and the website, on Friday, March 1. You'll find information and a link intended for all district stakeholders, from students to parents to teachers to community members to business owners and more. It's time to update the school district strategic plan, and we want to hear from YOU.

Strategic plans are living documents that help answer the question: "Where are we going as a district and how can we get there?" When district stakeholders  decide together what's important, the plan spells out practices and values that lead to next steps, and are a reference for making decisions about everything from opportunities to resources.

Our Board of Education and administrators will benefit from multiple perspectives to ensure we're working toward common goals. A great tool for this is ThoughtExchange, an online platform that works confidentially but still allows community members to collaborate.  It's definitely more than a survey.

To begin, participants will open a link that leads to open-ended questions. Once you've submitted your replies, you can then rate submissions from others based on how much you agree or how important you think their point is. You can also keep coming back, keep reading new thoughts, and keep participating. 

More information about this, plus the ThoughtExchange link, will be sent out on Friday, and the Otselic Valley exchange will stay open until March 29, 2024. Please dive in and help us work together for a strong future. We are grateful for your input and your thoughtful support of the students in our district.

Questions? Please contact:

Debra Kurtz, Interim Superintendent: dkurtz@ovcs.org
Shelly Richards, Executive Principal: srichard@ovcs.org