The foyer of a public school shows a carpet with Otselic Valley School and the main office window with a sign in sheet on a clipboard, and a jug of hand sanitizer

Important reminder: All parents and visitors must enter our school only after signing in at the Main Office. There is no admittance through the elementary door at the end of the ramp, or any other side door, although you are welcome to walk up with your child in the morning.

If you need to talk to a teacher, you have options: You can put a note to the teacher in your child’s backpack, you can call the Main Office to ask if a teacher is available to talk on the phone, you can make an appointment to meet with the teacher, or you can send email. 

Our safety protocols, including controlled access to the building, ensure that we know who is in the building at all times. Respecting these protocols also allows teachers and aides to give students their full attention during busy mornings.

Thank you for understanding and joining us in this important commitment to student safety.